How to Fix Overheating Problem in Redmi Note 12 Pro

Overheating is a common issue that many smartphone users face. It can cause the device to slow down, freeze, or even shut down. In this article, we will discuss the overheating problem in Redmi Note 12 Pro and provide solutions to fix it.

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Causes of Overheating in Redmi Note 12 Pro

There are several reasons why your Redmi Note 12 Pro may be overheating. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Running too many apps in the background

  • Using the device while charging

  • Playing games or using other resource-intensive apps

  • Poor ventilation or airflow around the device

  • Outdated software or firmware

Solutions to Fix Overheating in Redmi Note 12 Pro

Here are some solutions to fix the overheating problem in Redmi Note 12 Pro:

1. Reboot the Device

Sometimes, a simple reboot can fix the overheating problem. Press and hold the power button until the “Power off” option appears. Tap on it and wait for the device to turn off. After a few seconds, press and hold the power button again to turn it back on.

2. Clear Background Apps

Running too many apps in the background can cause the device to overheat. To fix this, go to the “Recent apps” screen and swipe away any apps that you are not using.

3. Check Heavy Battery Consumption Apps

Some apps consume more battery than others, which can cause the device to overheat. To check which apps are consuming the most battery, go to “Settings” > “Battery” > “Battery usage”. Here, you will see a list of apps that are consuming the most battery. Uninstall or disable any apps that you do not need.

4. Uninstall Unwanted Apps

Unwanted apps can also cause the device to overheat. To uninstall an app, go to “Settings” > “Apps” > “App info”. Here, you will see a list of all the apps installed on your device. Tap on the app that you want to uninstall and select “Uninstall”.

5. Install Antivirus Software

Malware and viruses can cause the device to overheat. To protect your device from malware and viruses, install an antivirus app from the Google Play Store.

6. Update All Apps

Outdated apps can cause the device to overheat. To update all apps, go to the Google Play Store and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner. Select “My apps & games” and then tap on “Update all”.

7. Update the Android OS Firmware

Outdated software or firmware can also cause the device to overheat. To update the Android OS firmware, go to “Settings” > “Software update” > “Download and install”. If an update is available, tap on “Download and install” to update the firmware.


Overheating is a common issue that can cause your Redmi Note 12 Pro to slow down, freeze, or even shut down. By following the solutions provided in this article, you can fix the overheating problem and keep your device running smoothly.

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